Associateship of Canadian Surety Bonding

About the Program

The Associateship of Canadian Surety Bonding Designation Program (A.C.S.B.) aims to provide students with a theoretical and in-depth practical understanding of surety bonds and the suretyship process.

The program was developed by the Surety Association of Canada (SAC) in September 1998, and it is intended for those who plan on embarking on a career in the surety industry.

The objective of the A.C.S.B. Designation Program is to provide surety firms with a workable alternative to the development of expensive and time-consuming in-house training regimens. However, like all educational programs, the A.C.S.B. is meant to compliment; not supplant the on-the-job training provided by the student’s employer. It is anticipated that firms will continue to provide mentoring and practical guidance to augment the learning experience for young professionals and prepare them for the day-to-day requirements of their jobs.

Upon successful completion of the program, the student will receive the designation of Associate of Canadian Surety Bonding (A.C.S.B.); conferred by the Surety Association of Canada.

Fall 2024 Term
Registration Now Open!



Important Program Update

At the end of the Winter 2022 term, SAC concluded its partnership with McMaster Continuing Education (MCE) and transitioned the program “in-house”. The conclusion of SAC’s partnership with MCE does not affect the A.C.S.B. Designation, which is bestowed by the Surety Association of Canada.

The structure of the A.C.S.B. Designation Program remains the same, where students are required to complete six (6) courses; four (4) core courses and two (2) electives.

Three (3) of the four (4) core courses which have been developed by SAC, to include: SAC 101: Principles of Suretyship, SAC 102: Contract Surety, and SAC 103: Construction & Surety Law, are offered directly through the association's On-line Learning Management System (D2L/Brightspace) starting in the Fall 2022 term.

The fourth core course, Introductory Financial Accounting, and elective courses can be taken at any accredited Canadian university.

Students enrolling in the Introductory Financial Accounting course or any of the elective courses through a Canadian university of their choice are required to submit a course outline to SAC for approval to ensure that it meets the program requirement prior to enrollment in the course. Course outlines can be sent to program [at]

Important note: elective courses must be taken independently from any other degree or designation and cannot be carried over from other programs. Only elective courses that are begun and completed subsequent to the student’s registration in the SAC A.C.S.B. Designation program will be considered for credit.

Le Programme des Associés en Cautionnement Canadien (P.A.C.C.) 

In 2019, SAC began the translation and adaptation work towards the francization of the program for the surety bond market in Quebec. While the English course (A.C.S.B.) takes into account the reality of the Common Law legal framework, the francization of the program has been adapted according to the civil law framework used exclusively in the province of Quebec.

In Fall 2022, SAC launched a French version of the program, le Programme des Associés en Cautionnement Canadien (P.A.C.C.). 

CLICK HERE for more details!

Who Should Take this Program?

The program examines surety bonds and the suretyship process in some detail and was designed as a learning vehicle for students who plan on embarking on a career in the surety industry. While it’s not intended for individuals in other disciplines or industries, students from outside the surety world are welcome to take these courses.


In order to receive the A.C.S.B. Designation, students are required to register for the program through the Surety Association of Canada prior to starting the first course. To register, applicants must submit a completed program application to SAC’s head office.

Program registrants are required to pay a one-time, non-refundable program application fee. Employees of full member firms pay $200, and employees of affiliate member firms pay $400. Non-member firm employees pay $1,000 to enroll in the program.

Students will also be responsible for submitting payment for each of the six (6) courses to be considered for the designation.

Information Session

CLICK HERE to view a short webinar (approximately 40-minutes) which provides an overview of the A.C.S.B. Designation program registration process, the required courses, time commitments, career outcomes, fees, and more.

More Information

If you would like to learn more about the A.C.S.B. Designation Program, give us a call at (905) 677-1353 or email us at program [at]