Standard Bond Forms

Understanding Standard Bond Forms/Templates

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is a national committee responsible for the development, review and publication of standard Canadian construction contracts, forms, and guides.

Formed in 1974, the CCDC includes two owner representatives from each of the public and private sectors, as well as appointed volunteer members from its four constituent national organizations; the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies Canada (ACEC); Canadian Construction Association (CCA); Construction Specifications Canada (CSC); and Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC). A lawyer from the Canadian Bar Association, construction law section sits as an ex-officio member of the committee. All CCDC documents carry endorsement of the four constituent national organizations.

The Advantages of Using “Standard” Bond Forms?

Some government bodies, and even private owners, use their own particular wordings, which they believe will augment the protection afforded by the bond. Experience has shown that such owner-generated forms are typically not well constructed and often reflect a misunderstanding of the role of suretyship and a Surety’s relation and obligations to owner and contractor. Ironically, this can lead to the protection being diminished rather than enhanced. 

The CCDC and its constituent bodies continue to strive for adoption of CCDC standard bond forms as these forms were designed with the intent of being fair to all parties to the contract/surety relationship. In addition to the fairness and balance, standard wordings have compiled a history of solid legal precedent which has clearly defined the meanings of the various provisions of the document.

On May 21, 2024, the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) published the 2024 editions of its standard surety bond forms including:

  1. CCDC 220 – Bid Bond
  2. CCDC 221 – Performance Bond
  3. CCDC 222 – Labour & Material Payment Bond

CLICK HERE to access a detailed summary of the changes found in the 2024 CCDC surety bond forms.

For a complete listing of documents and guides produced by CCDC, please visit their website HERE.