
About SAC

The Surety Association of Canada (SAC) is the national trade advocacy association that represents the interests of the surety industry across Canada. Its members consist of primary surety firms, surety reinsurers, surety/insurance brokers, and other organizations that provide related and complementary services to the surety industry. SAC is incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

While the majority of the surety industry’s premium revenue is derived from construction contract bonds, SAC also represents the interests of those organizations that focus on non-contract or commercial surety. SAC does not represent or advocate on behalf of the fidelity bond industry.

Since its formation in 1992, SAC has become a trusted resource for construction purchasers, design professionals, contractors, suppliers and other stakeholders in construction and business communities. SAC has developed its own bond forms in response to industry need and in consultation with the construction industry. SAC and its members regularly meet with owners, contractors, other associations and related organizations to educate them about surety bonds and the suretyship process. SAC also monitors legislation across the country that will impact its members and works diligently to advance the surety cause with lawmakers and government officials.

Why Join?

As the national body for the Canadian surety industry (SAC’s members represent more than 97% of all surety premium written in Canada), SAC is the comprehensive and accessible resource centre for those seeking information and answers from our industry. As a member of the surety community, SAC will work on your behalf; engaging key decision makers (and decision “influencers”) to bring about surety-friendly conditions in bonds, contracts, legislation and regulations.

SAC pledges to its members that it will:

  • Educate surety stakeholders to better understand surety risk tools to enable more informed decision making.
  • Consult with and understand the issues of external stakeholders prior to developing surety industry positions and solutions.
  • Encourage the evolution and design of surety products, as well as the use of suretyship as the optimal means of protecting Canadian taxpayers, consumers, governments and businesses.
  • Provide a forum and a means to collaborate with other organizations that provide related and complementary services to the surety industry.

Types of Membership

SAC has two classes of membership:

  1. Full Member; and
  2. Affiliate Member.

Full Membership

As a surety or reinsurance firm, you are invited to join as a full member of our association.  Firms that are full members and their employees will receive or be entitled to:

  • Company listing through SAC's searchable on-line members’ directory. Search results include your company logo and a link to your company website.
  • Access to receive all SAC communications including our monthly “What’s New In Surety” e-newsletter, and regular Communiqués and “Tender Alerts”.
  • Access to Members’ Only area of the SAC website.
  • Eligible to sit on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
  • Eligible to participate on regional committees and sub-committees.
  • Voting privileges at SAC Annual General Meeting.
  • Use of SAC copyrighted material and logo.
  • Discount on SAC webinars, workshops, and events.
  • Discount on the registration for the Associateship of Canadian Surety Bonding Designation Program (A.C.S.B.) / Le programme des associés en cautionnement canadien (P.A.C.C.).
  • Networking opportunities to connect with other SAC members and surety industry experts.

Affiliate Membership

With SAC members accounting for more than 90% of all contract surety written in Canada, other organizations such as brokers and law firms are encouraged to join the Surety Association of Canada.  These organizations may join as Full Members or as Affiliate Members.  Firms that are affiliate members and their employees will receive or be entitled to:

  • Company listing through SAC's searchable on-line members’ directory. Search results include your company logo and a link to your company website.
  • Surety brokers are provided with the opportunity to be listed in SAC’s on-line broker directory (note: brokers that chose to become full members will also receive this benefit).
  • Access to receive SAC communications including our monthly “What’s New In Surety” e-newsletter, and regular Communiqués and “Tender Alerts”.
  • Access to Members’ Only area of the SAC website.
  • Eligible to participate on regional committees and sub-committees.
  • Use of SAC copyrighted material and logo.
  • Partial discount on SAC webinars, workshops, and events.
  • Partial discount on the registration for the Associateship of Canadian Surety Bonding Designation Program (A.C.S.B.) / Le programme des associés en cautionnement canadien (P.A.C.C.).
  • Networking opportunities to connect with other SAC members and surety industry experts.


Full members are invoiced based on direct written premiums; however, we also offer full membership to other organizations (i.e., surety brokers, consultants, legal firms, etc.) and the fee is determined based on the number of office locations.

Affiliate members are charged a flat annual fee of $3,000.  Please CLICK HERE to view the current membership fee structure.

Application Form

If you are ready to join, please download the application form, complete it and return it to the SAC office.

Full Member Application

Affiliate Member Application

More Information

If you would like to learn more about membership in the Surety Association of Canada, please contact us by email at membership [at] or by phone at (905) 677-1353.